
Please find below references to recent presentations and publications by TerraBase Inc. staff and associates.

Is there a future for the internal combustion engine? Canadian Chemical News, ACCN, Vol. 61: 26-27 (2010).

How not to develop a quantitative structure-activity or structure-property relationship (QSAR/QSPR). SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research, Vol. 20: 241-266 (2010).
Reprint available on request.

A brief history of the workshop, and some advice, [invited keynote]. 13th Intl. Workshop on QSARs in the Environmental Sciences, Syracuse, New York, USA, June 8-123, (2008).

TerraQSAR - Daphnia, [poster]. 13th Intl. Workshop on QSARs in the Environmental Sciences, Syracuse, New York, USA, June 8-123, (2008).

Evolution of the International Workshops on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (QSARs) in Environmental Toxicology, [invited plenary]. 12th Intl. Workshop on QSAR in Environmental Toxicology, Lyon, France, May 8-12, (2006).

Octanol/water partition coefficients of alkanol-polyethoxy surfactants. 12th Intl. Workshop on QSAR in Environmental Toxicology, Lyon, France, May 8-12, (2006).

QSAR Models for Fish Toxicity: what works and what doesn't (2006).

The TerraQSAR Advantage (2004).

TerraQSARTM - LOGP, a PNN-based octanol/water partition coefficient computation program for PCs. (2004).

Validation of (Q)SAR Models [Correspondence, p. A86] (2004).

Toxicity Data Sources. Chapter 2 in "Predicting Chemical Toxicity and Fate. Cronin MTD and Livingstone DJ (eds.), CRC Press, Boca Raton. (2004).

The use of neural networks in QSARs for acute aquatic toxicological endpoints (2003).
[Reproduced with permission of the Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2003].

Neural networks for effect prediction in environmental and health issues using large datasets (2003).
[Reproduced with permission of the Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2003].

Neural network programs for the estimation of toxicity and estrogen receptor binding (2003).

Environmental chemistry and North America's Great Lakes: from phosphorus to QSAR (2003).

Probabilistic neural network modeling of the toxicity of chemicals to Tetrahymena pyriformis with molecular fragment descriptors (2002).

Modeling the acute toxicity of chemicals to Daphnia magna: a probabilistic neural network approach (2001).

Modeling the relative binding affinity of steroids to the progesterone receptor with probabilistic neural networks (2000).

Using probabilistic neural networks to model the toxicity of chemicals to the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas): A study based on 865 compounds (1999).

Catalysis, where we should apply it now! (1999).

Hydrogen, fuel of the future? (1999).

QSAR in Environmental Toxicology -II (1987).

QSAR in Environmental Toxicology (1984).



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